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ShowDialog_NoReturnValue and refreshing the opening page

When a link is defined in an IQA (normal link, not custom HTML) it fires ShowDialog_NoReturnValue() with the URL in the link setup and a bunch of hardcoded variables: url, args, width, height, title, iconUrl, templateType, callBackFunction, windowName, closeWindowOnCommit, preserveStatefulBusinessContainer, dialogCloseFunction, sourceObject. They're not editable, only the url is picked up. That opens a window where ... things happen. On that page, I have some JavaScript that /does things/; upon completion of that script I want to refresh the opener and close the popup. I can close the popup using this.close() but I have no access to refreshing the opener. The normal "...opener.location.reload... options don't work, opener is null.

What's the secret sauce to refreshing/reloading the opening window?
