What additional update when removing a person from an organization using iMIS REST API GroupMember endpoint
We have noticed that when deleting a GroupMemberData (for example: Remove a person from an organization ) to effectively remove a person from an organization, the person's title is being cleared out.
Adding to Open Credit
I'm using ComboOrder to apply a payment to the invoice and would like to apply any remaining balance left over as an Open Credit. Below is just a sample.
ClientSide/Javascript iPart response to Command bar
Tax Calculations leaving fractionals
DUPE found at: https://support.imis.com/hc/en-us/requests/302410?page=1 (posting here based on feedback from Ross Austen)
Processing Order Stages with iMIS REST API
Is there a preferred method with the iMIS REST API to process orders? That is updating the order stage.
Collapsible page just like the help page that can collapse when clicked
Looking to change the BT_ID on an invoice
I would think that Invoice / UpdateEventInvoiceBillToId would work, I have an invoice number and the new Bill to Id but for the life of me I don't understand the structure of the payload for the _execute call. The documentation doesn't make sense. Can someone please a) let me know if this is possible, b) is this the right endpoint/method and c) what the payload is? Thanks.
Processing Cart with a Chapter
Complete sso detail
In general, oauth2 requires authorization, token and userinfo end point.
Sata Tranfer Objects (DTOs) for IMIS iMIS entities
What best practice or recommend way for creating DTO for IMIS iMIS entities?