Now that the ChangeNotification webhook is working, how do we pull the old & new values that wee changed?
DELETE /BatchSummary/{BatchId} returns 403 Forbidden
EMS v20.3.198.344. User is a sysadmin, 8's, etc. Trying to use the DELETE /BatchSummary/{BatchId} call to delete an empty batch, getting 403 Forbidden. Expected behaviour? Thanks.
Are __RequestVerificationToken values stored anywhere?
I have a client - on-prem EMS - with a tried-and-true solution for updating Subscriptions using inline JavaScript. It works for all users who should have access to it, all with the right permissions, etc. except for one user. We can use her account successfully on other workstations, but not on hers, the API call returns a 401 Unauthorized. She's a sysadmin with 8's across the board, it's the default /Subscription endpoint. She CAN use it in incognito mode. All I can think of is that there's a combination of the __RequestVerificationToken and maybe MAC address or iMIS ID that's corrupt somewhere. Is that value (the token) stored anywhere in SQL? Thanks.
Restriction Tagging on Endpoints
I would love to see some kind of tagging on the endpoints like: staff only, logged in user, everyone, etc.
ContentItem API Endpoint PUT request is not working.
We are experiencing an issue when attempting to use the PUT method to update ContentItem objects via the iMIS REST API on our instance (imis.fascrs.org). We consistently receive a 501 Not Implemented error.
API Transaction Begin, End and Rollback?
Hey there...
Subscribe Committee Members to a Community
I was wondering if anyone knew of a way or had experience in subscribing members to a community automatically. I looked through the API and see GroupMember endpoint but when checking system BOs it does not look like communities have rows here nor do they have a group id.
API request failing using query endpoint with "between" syntax
I have a query checking for changes within a date range, I'm trying to use the between syntax on the filter and continue to get the error Parameter CREATED_ON does not have a single value."}. The date component also includes the time, I've tried different date/time formats to no avail. The filter I'm using is:
Contacts not receiving "Forgot Password" emails
Our contacts are not receiving the "Forgot Password" emails from the member portal, we can reset on their behalf using the "change password" function but would ideally like them to be getting the emails themselves via the portal.
REST API Equivalent for AR Importer