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Client-side code for using On Behalf Of

I know this was asked a couple of times half a decade ago, I'm just wondering if there's been an update or someone has come up with something. Is there client-side code available that can be used to generate an on-behalf-of instance in a link? Say from an IQA? I can see the code being used in the OBO popup and similar code in the events register-someone-else page but it's all predicated on it being in a pop-up window. This would just be a link on a page, where the end result is with an on-behalf-of user.

Retrieving financial entities using iMIS REST API

How do we get all the financial entities from iMIS using its REST API? For example:

ShowDialog in iOS

Using the ShowDialog as either a part of an iQA or on it's own from an anchor in a query template works fine in all operating systems except for iOS. Has anyone encountered this? Do you know of a workaround? I've tried several things, but none have closed the Dialog when the user hits the "X" at the top right.

ShowDialog_NoReturnValue and refreshing the opening page

When a link is defined in an IQA (normal link, not custom HTML) it fires ShowDialog_NoReturnValue() with the URL in the link setup and a bunch of hardcoded variables: url, args, width, height, title, iconUrl, templateType, callBackFunction, windowName, closeWindowOnCommit, preserveStatefulBusinessContainer, dialogCloseFunction, sourceObject. They're not editable, only the url is picked up. That opens a window where ... things happen. On that page, I have some JavaScript that /does things/; upon completion of that script I want to refresh the opener and close the popup. I can close the popup using this.close() but I have no access to refreshing the opener. The normal "...opener.location.reload... options don't work, opener is null.

Does POST /api/AutoPayAccount work for an ACH account

The documentation indicates that POST AutoPayAccount can be used to create an instance of an AutoPayAccount but all my demo data is for credit cards. Can it work for ACH transactions? If so, can someone share the payload? Thanks.

Include Cancellation Fee when creating Event through API

I created a cancellation Fee using the iMIS interface, I then made a get request to pull the event to see how that cancellation fee is defined in the object. This is what I found

Executes an EventRegistration operation

I'm trying to register people in to IMIS event using following.

POST CsNameLog

I wasn't sure if CsNameLog is part of the data contract list but I did find I can POST to it and add an entry.

2 Questions About the iMIS APIs

Dear colleagues,
I hope this email finds you well! I am reaching out to see if anyone has insight into the following:

PUT at https://{{URL}}/api/Event/:EventId

Good afternoon,