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Event Registration Cancellations

Good morning, We have been using the Combo Order endpoint for a while to cancel event registrations. However, over the past month or so, we have been receiving an error when we attempt to do this with the combo order. I even grabbed the combo order from the cart for someone I was cancelling and attempted to run it through the Postman as produced by ASI and it failed with the same error. We have found that if we remove the Additional Attribute below from the Lines section of the order, the order lines will be cancelled but the event will not have a status of cancelled. If we leave the IsEventCancellation attribute in, we get the following error, {"$type":"Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.ValidationResultsData, Asi.Contracts","Errors":{"$type":"Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.ValidationResultDataCollection, Asi.Contracts","$values":[{"$type":"Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.ValidationResultData, Asi.Contracts","Message":" \r\n UnknownEntityTypeFault: vBoGiftsReceivedForReceipting Not defined."}]},"Warnings":{"$type":"Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.ValidationResultDataCollection, Asi.Contracts","$values":\[]}}. ```json { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericPropertyData, Asi.Contracts", "Name": "IsEventCancellation", "Value": { "$type": "System.Boolean", "$value": true } } ``` All this seems to have started about the time of the IQA security rollout but I am not certain of the timing. Any assistance is appreciated. Thanks, Korey

IQA security update

Wondering if any solutions provider have run into issues with the latest IQA security patch by ASI. It seems like the recommended fix involves updating all IQAs to All Staff full-control settings; however, this has been identified as potentially problematic, because we have IQAs that depend on authenticated users read, and other access controls. Things like directory search, office search, etc. <br> Curious to know if others have come across this and what's worked.

301 redirects for website migration

Hello folks, We're migrating our website form wordpress to RiSE, and I can't find any way to set up 301 redirects. Can anyone advise? Many thanks, John

Create IQA with REST API

Would it be possible to create an Intelligent Query Architect record using the iMIS REST API? Or perhaps the ability to import an IQA (after an export XML file from iMIS) via REST?

metadata for BOEntityDefinition

Is this endpoint working? [Returns the metadata for BOEntityDefinition](https://developer.imis.com/reference/boentitydefinitionmetadata) ```javascript const options = {method: 'GET', headers: {accept: 'application/json', "RequestVerificationToken": document.getElementById("__RequestVerificationToken").value}}; fetch('/api/metadata/BOEntityDefinition', options) .then(response => response.json()) .then(response => console.log(response)) .catch(err => console.error(err)); ``` GET request is returning a 501 Not Implemented response status code. ![](https://files.readme.io/6ecca4d-image.png)

What are the properties for the Asi.Soa.Commerce.DataContracts.PaymentRefundData type referred to in /api/Payment/_execute for refund?

What are the properties for the Asi.Soa.Commerce.DataContracts.PaymentRefundData type referred to in /api/Payment/\_execute for refund?

Updates a Payment by id - use case

For reference: <https://developer.imis.com/reference/putpaymentbyid-1> I was looking at the payment api endpoints and saw this call for updating a payment, I'm curious as to the practical use cases for calling this. When/why would I want to update a payment? Thanks!

Generic Execute Request at Invoice Failing

Good morning everyone, Over the past week, we have had repeated failure of a process that has been in place for more than a year. The failure occurs when invoking the ProcessOrderAdjustment operation on the Executes an Invoice operation endpoint (api/Invoice/\_execute). I asked the ASI helpdesk team to look into the error and this is what was sent in reply, UnknownEntityTypeFault: table: Orders Not defined. The tech support person that I was working with stated, "I have never really seen that error before however, there have been similar errors reported during duplicate merging, usually for different tables though." This operation is essential to our financial processes. Any assistance in better understanding the error and repairing the broken operation is very much appreciated. Thanks, Korey

Clone event API returns 501 in version

Anyone else get a "ServiceNotAvailable" when making a post call to https\://{{URL}}/api/Event/\_execute ? This seems to happen with every EMS I tried with the latest security hotfix. ```json POST body { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Events.DataContracts.EventCloneRequest, Asi.Contracts", "EntityTypeName": "Event", "OperationName": "CloneEvent", "EventId": "existing event code", "EventCode": "new event code" } ```

What fields are available when filtering on /Party?

I can filter /Party using a number of fields including CustomerTypeCode, but when I try MajorKey it fails. ``` Asi.Soa.Core.Exceptions.EntityServiceException`1[Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.Faults.ArgumentFault]: ArgumentFault: In the query, MajorKey is not a known property name. ``` /api/metadata/Party doesn't seem to expose a list of fields I can filter on, and both CustomerTypeCode and MajorKey are in the same AdditionalAttributes section. Is there a list somewhere of what I can filter on, or is there a different syntax/variable name I should be using for the Major Key field? Thanks.