User Endpoint
Is there a user endpoint that just gets information about the user that passes the token via OAuth? Most api's have a /user to get the information. Either that or something more useful than just the userName in the JSON passed back.
Is there anything on certification yet?
Anything we can use for certification (new version)?
Can you do put to update a comboorder status?
Can you do put to update a comboorder status in 2017 releases? Client wants update orders set stage='Completed'
PUT /party/[ID] question/issue
It appears that while I can update a PartyId, I can't do it without the "PersonName" and "PartyId" elements in the payload. It's not so much the PersonName as the underlying FirstName and LastName fields, but same issue. If I have an ID and want to just update the email address (for example), I need to make a GET call to pull the PersonName info, just to put it back to update the email address. Also, having to include PartyId:101 when the 101 is in the endpoint URL seems a little duplicitous. What would be great is to be able to PUT (or PATCH) using something like this as a payload: