Offset and Count acting strange
about 5 years ago by Lee
When using /api/Organization?limit=100
I get strange results:
"Offset": 0,
"Limit": 100,
"Count": 50,
"TotalCount": 16206,
"NextPageLink": null,
"HasNext": true,
"NextOffset": 50
So I want to get the next 50 results:
"Offset": 0,
"Limit": 100,
"Count": 50,
"TotalCount": 16206,
"NextPageLink": null,
"HasNext": true,
"NextOffset": 50
Is there a bug here in /api/Organization endpoint?
/api/Party works as expected, but I want to view Organisations and I'm not sure how to filter them with the /api/Party endpoint.