Facing issue while getting response from Huge Jason
Hello Team,
The process we are trying to build is to extract Data from iMIS on periodic basis and load into our Data Warehouse.
We are using C# and making rest API calls to extract Data.
We have few REST API calls that brings more than million rows, when ever we try to extract data the process fails after 100K records.
How can we extract larger set of data using REST API out of larger set of Data?
After the initial Loads, anyway we can get DELTAs via the REST API calls?
Please see below API details from our C# Architect, the api/Group has 1.3 million rows and fails after 100K rows.
we are applying paging while sending the API request.
while we are doing this , It is taking more time and getting time out errors. So please let me now if there is any easy way to pull huge data.
Let us know our options.