Can we set the product price we add to the cart to any price we desire using the Restful API?
over 2 years ago by Joe Robinson
ARRS is a PIAS client and we are at rick of losing them as clients because of the inability for special pricing in commerce. Excerpt from email from Joe John re:\ARRS Storefront below:
Hi Joe,
I asked our partners at Mosaic app if they have experience working with the Restful API cart and can set the price to whatever we like using the API call. I have examples of the SOA cart working this way but never done this with the Restful API. How hard would it be to check with ASI Dev to determine if this is something we can do with the API “Set the product price we add to the cart to any price we desire” using the logged in user authentication for a member as a workaround for this issue? My fear is a staff user account can change the price to whatever they want but a member cannot even if it is their own cart. The only other option would be to have them go to a hidden coupon form, pre-populate it and submit it behind the scenes using jQuery.
If we cannot find a way to address this special pricing for store products for ARRS they may end up leaving iMIS. I told John I would follow up with him this week. We need to think of something.
Joseph John
Please let me know if what Joe John is think is feasible or even possible.
Joe Robinson