Displaying content record properties in HTML in RISE
Can you hyperlink a profile image?
When building an IQA using CsNamePicture as a source and displaying the Picture Logo as column a column in the query, iMIS will display the profile image. Is there a way to hyperlink the image to an internal content page? I tried to do by placing a URL in the Link column within the display line of the query. The text of the link was /Directories/Member_Roster.aspx?ID[code_ID]. While the link worked just fine, the images were all replaced by hyperlinked text that displayed as "System.Byte[]".
Update BillTo Contact in All Modules
Good afternoon,
Create Event Through API and set Display to staff users only flag
When Creating an Event through API, does anyone know how to set the "Display to staff users only" flag? It currently is defaulting to true and I need it to be false.
Populate Orders.CUSTOMER_REFERENCE field with REST API
Enter Gift API
I'm looking to replicate the functionality of the Fundraising -> Enter Gifts page located on the staff site using the API.
IQA new query endpoints
Hi there,
Where can I find Order_Meet.UF_1 thru UF_10
Can't seem to narrow down where these fields are via the API (or even if they're available any more). Thanks.
Deleting Party records with REST API
We are wondering what exactly is being removed when we call the endpoint to remove a Party by id.