What's the trick to override a price in ComboOrder
Trying to process event registrations using a POST to ComboOrder, but I want to override the default price. I've tried IsUnitPriceOverridden": true at UnitPrice and ExtendedAmount but it still processes as a sale and a prepay for the difference. My hope is to price the functions at $0 and then just pass in the amount paid on a registration by registration basis.
Convert a large list of dropdown values for a general lookup table into iMIS
How can we convert a large list of dropdown values for a general lookup table into iMIS instead of manually entering them in iMIS?
Convert a large list of committees into iMIS
We have a large number of committees that need to be converted from our current system into iMIS. What can we use to convert these into iMIS as Workbook Converter cant be used to convert committees.
REST API - communication log sent date
Creating a ComboCart where person A purchases a subscription for two or more other people
Using the REST API, we are trying to create a ComboCart which will allow person "A" (a non-company administrator) to purchase a non-dues subscription (journal) for two or more other people "B" and "C".
ProductInventoryId issue
Is it possible to retrieve and update a ProductInventory
How to clear out Party.BirthDate value?
Member Engagement Director
How do I give a temporary password in IMIS.
Current status/functionality of /ContentItem?
I'm wondering what the current status/functionality of the /ContentItem endpoint is. A simple GET doesn't work, I know it can be filtered by ContentKey (and maybe other fields but I don't know what) but in testing I can't seem to get it to return anything. Is a GET supposed to work at this point? Thanks.
REST - organization set company id