Angular iMIS API and Dependancy problems
(I posted this question as a followup to an older post but not sure if it was seen)
REST API - adding ExpirationDate to Relationship - POST to /GroupMember
Hi - I'm trying to add an expiration to a relationship. So I'm doing GET /api/GroupMember?EntityId=RELATIONSHIP-473180:477346
Secret switch to make 1.0.1 REST API return normal JSON
I remember one of the ASI developers telling us about a header you could include when making a request of the .../IQA endpoint which would cause it to return the output in "normal" JSON format. Much like the difference in output between the .../IQA and .../Query endpoints in 20.3, discussed at https://developer.imis.com/docs/migrating-from-iqa-to-query-service-endpoint.
Transferring a Relationship
Hello everyone,
Creating a Party with their own Address
Updating a record in a user-defined multi-instance table via PUT request.
Date field - prompts you to enter a new date
I need assistance in creating a more dynamic date field. Currently, we have a form built that never prompts you to update the date field if a date is already entered from a previous entry. Is there a way that the date field gets reset each time you visit the form?
Communication Preference link
I am trying to generate communication preference lnk using https://developer.imis.com/reference/executecommunication-1
Event Registration - Another Person - External Cart
Looking to replicate the "Register Someone Else" functionality from the iMIS native site in the external custom cart for our organization, in the past this was mostly just a matter of making sure proper "AdditionalAttributes" were sent along with the EventOrderLineData including the "PartyId" you intended to register, despite them being cart owner or not, however now there seems to be another step necessary as I've got the event item in the cart, flagged as it was for registering another person, but upon submittal the registration is placed against the contact owning the cart, below I will include both payloads for reference, one generated by the native staff cart, the other by the custom external cart.
Create User issues - Email required
Trying to create a user based off a party I have created via the party api endpoint, following the process: