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Error creating new subscription

Is there a way to create new Subscriptions records no matter what a member status is?


Can we set the product price we add to the cart to any price we desire using the Restful API?

ARRS is a PIAS client and we are at rick of losing them as clients because of the inability for special pricing in commerce. Excerpt from email from Joe John re:\ARRS Storefront below:


Multi currency

good day, does iMIS support multi-currency, where we can update exchange rates per day or week, etc. we have a situation where customers pay from different countries and we want these payments to go direct using their currencies and handled using existing exchange rates


Update CsContact.CompanyId in REST

When sending a PUT request to CsContact and changing the CompanyId value nothing gets changed.


Pending payments

i am struggling with posting payments through the api, my payments are always in pending state, what could be the problem, below is my payload:

Adding Registration Option to Event in /api/Event

I am sending a POST/PUT call to api/Event with a registration option but the registration option does not show in iMIS. I placed my JSON body below. Using iMIS version


API (EMS) - Possible to delete a subscription?

Hi - I'm trying to delete a subscription using this endpoint (after verifying the subscription exists by executing the comparable GET):


iMIS Cloud and Diagnosing Errors

When iMIS was hosted on-prem, if an error occurred, I could log onto the server and check the event viewer to get a better idea of what was causing the error. With the move to the cloud and no server access, that is no longer possible; however, the need to diagnose errors still exists. Has ASI provided or does ASI intend to provide a way in the cloud to see the specifics of the errors that occur?


PartyID - Can this be treated as a user UUID that will never change?

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