IMIS Software Integration with Shopify
How to integrate IMIS Software with Shopify?
EMS - how to logout without clicking the sign out link
Other than clicking the sign out link (manually or via onclick or something), how can I log someone out of EMS? I can't delete the login cookie using client-side JavaScript and the legacy /logout membership service returns an error. Thanks.
IQA security update
Wondering if any solutions provider have run into issues with the latest IQA security patch by ASI.
301 redirects for website migration
Hello folks,
Onlie Store or Shop into Mobile Application Integration
We have eCommerce Store, https://members.crsi.org/Members/Store. How can we implement this into our Mobile Application without Header and Footer, please advice.
PartyImage Public Access
Apologies for any ignorance, I'm not a developer beyond Python Dev but simply trying to pull logos from the partyImage endpoint. My python script is simple:
IQA new query endpoints
Hi there,
Where can I find Order_Meet.UF_1 thru UF_10
Can't seem to narrow down where these fields are via the API (or even if they're available any more). Thanks.
Deleting Party records with REST API
We are wondering what exactly is being removed when we call the endpoint to remove a Party by id.