React client-side iPart – added uber-simple React app to a page and it will not publish
Hi all,
Product Price - Endpoint
We are looking for a way to automate some Price changes for a customer. Is there an endpoint for the Product Price table? If so, what is it and can you point us to documentation?
/api/ContentItem get Settings --Cloud Version
I see this used on the example client-side iPart but it no longer shows in the API reference page. When I do a GET on the endpoint I see a 404 so I'm not sure if this was done away with. I'm working with the Cloud versions currently.
Update Subscription via new endpoint
This documentation (https://developer.imis.com/docs/adding-modifying-and-paying-for-a-subscription) states that the subscription Status field can be changed by staff members through the api but I haven't been able to work out what that API call should look like.
Adding Gift record via RESTful API
I am not finding example or documentation on how to create a simple gift.
Trouble posting to multi instance panel source
Executes a TaskDefinition operation - possible with variables?
I want to execute a Process Automation Task with a POST request to https://yourorgsite.com/api/TaskDefinition/_execute and the body
"$type": "Asi.Soa.Communications.DataContracts.TaskAdhocRequest, Asi.Contracts",
"EntityTypeName": "TaskDefinition",
"OperationName": "TaskAdhocRequest",
"Task": {
"$type": "Asi.Soa.Communications.DataContracts.TaskDefinitionData, Asi.Contracts"
custom IQA ReST resonse format example for person
We are trying to use a custom IQA to synchronize data between iMIS and our XenForo Forums.
Task Type from TaskDefinition BO
There is a standard BO called TaskDefinition which contains the list of PA Tasks, how can I know if the task is a Scheduled Task or Alert Display from that BO if used in an IQA.
API Request Successful but no Data returned
I'm running into an issue on select environments where I make a Get request and it does not show any errors but no data is returned. I have tried multiple endpoints but nothing seems to work. I have seen this before but it randomly just starts working but that's not a great answer. Here is one of the requests I was attempting, any insight is greatly appreciated.