Updating a party field clears out other party data?
Updating security??
Having trouble finding the right endpoints for updating a user security profile in iMIS cloud ( I want to:
GroupMember endpoint filters
How to pass multiple records in REST API POST method?
Hi team,
How to erase a contact?
Deleting a company administrator
I'm able to add company admins and members using the rest API for organization relationships. However deleting it has been a challenge for me and the only reference I can find is available at https://developer.imis.com/docs/working-with-committees#section-deleting-a-committee-member. This may work on committees but I haven't had any luck with the organization relationship. Below is the JSON string I use to post to /api/GroupMember/
Make a donation with tribute
Hi there,
GET or POST to Query or QueryService?
Is there information on exactly how we should be accessing IQA's now? We were using the IQA endpoint but that is moving to the QueryService. I was POSTing to it's _execute handler but then saw that you've added the ability to make a GET call again.
Rest Api - Manage Users
Hello !
Update Customer Type
I am trying to update customer type and status via Party. I used the postman collection as a jumping off point but I have been unable to get anything other than a 400 or 500 error back. My script looks like this: