POST CsNameLog
I wasn't sure if CsNameLog is part of the data contract list but I did find I can POST to it and add an entry.
TaskQueue endpoints not functioning
Good afternoon,
Cancel Renewal via API
REST API flowdown
Public user API call to /api/Subscription/~Id|ItemId returns a 403
I'm getting a 403 (Forbidden) response trying to call the /Subscription endpoint as a public user. Works for a full user. The root call to /Subscription works (doesn't error) but doesn't return anything. I assume this is by design? A public user can't call that endpoint to get billing details - and subsequently we can't update it (as the public user)? Makes sense, just looking for confirmation, I can't seem to find which endpoints work for which security levels. Thanks.
Creating Pricing Groups
Making a POST call to /api/PriceSheetGroup/ returns back a required PriceSheetId
JSON payload needed to insert data into EventProductExtension
Hello everyone,
Generate invoices parameters with iMIS REST API
Looking at the Executes a LegacyOrder operation endpoint we can use the Invoice operation.
POST to panel: Unable to cast object of type
From the documentation: https://developer.imis.com/reference/postpanelsourcedata-1
Cancelling orders with iMIS REST API
Is it possible to cancel order using iMIS REST API?