RequestVerificationToken not working but Authorization is working
Hi there I'm trying to run the Cart get , post and delete command but I'm encountering an error. When I perform the operation in Postman with the Authorization header everything works. When I attempt to use it via the RequestVerificationToken parameter for the client side iPart this command fails.
UserSecurity is not implemented
Api call returns error: 501 Operation not implemented
Logout.asmx doesn't always work
We have an integration deployed in several of our client's iMIS installations. Part of the integration's behavior is to log the user out of iMIS. We use javascript to do that, like this:
Facing issue while getting response from Huge Jason
Hello Team,
Passing and Capturing Parameters for the Task
Hi This is regarding the post shared on help site.
iMIS Cloud Rest API - Put Call
We are trying to make PUT call to BOs created by Panel in the cloud instance (20.3). It gives an 405 error.
GET for reading &
POST calls for inserting records are working.
So, need a scenario to Update a record.
Earlier POST calls were working even to UPDATE records, but I believe with recent REST changes(last week) in cloud , it has stopped working and POST endpoints are only for creating the records.
Contact endpoint not filtering on MajorKey
working: https://imistour2847.imiscloud.com/api/CsContact?MajorKey=101
not working? https://imistour2847.imiscloud.com/api/Contact?MajorKey=101
Error with SSO and refresh_token
Error 403 posting to panel source
I'm deploying a solution that utilizes a single-instance panel source to store user information. I have successfully tested it in a different iMIS installation.
Upcoming PATCH Support Discussion
At iNNOVATIONS Live 2020, support for the HTTP PATCH
verb was announced, but when examples were demonstrated, there didn't appear to be support for the industry standard JSON Patch specification.