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Communication Log: Any difference between Email Output and SMS Output types?

So, if I create a communication log item and I specify an OutputType, most of the time this is a CommunicationOutputMethodEmailData, for example:


Standalone table - POST - new ordinal


Donde esta Name.CHAPTER in the API

It might be me, but for the life of me I can't find the CHAPTER field in the API. Doesn't seem to be in Party, Person, etc. Thanks in advance.


We are trying to get a company's group list from the company group list they are a part of as a company admin but we are getting a 403 Unauthorized response. For example, Alex M is the coAdmin of Versaton Global and he is trying to see the group list for Versaton US to look up John Tan. The group list editor ipart shows this data but when we try to do the equivalent over the api it does not allow us. Is there something specific we need to do?


We have been working on GL Account import. A couple of questions from Jay and Priyanka I was hoping you can help answer: Attached (GLAccount_postRequest.txt and GLAccount_Request_SameAsGet.txt) are the JSON request we are using to create GLAccount using API endpoint : https://bgcascripting.imiscloud.com/api/GLAccount (POST). We are getting an error (GLAccount_postResponse_Error.txt) while making POST API call. Is there a sample JSON we can refer to?

We have been working on create new GL Account import with REST. A couple of questions from Jay and Priyanka I was hoping you can help answer:

How to bypass 3rd party application login page if user is already signed into iMIS database

We have an our application login page authenticating the user to the iMIS database – that’s working.
But if someone is already signed into iMIS, we don’t want them to have to sign in again when they go to our application. The login page should be able to detect that they’re already signed into iMIS and take them directly to the home page of the application.

Generating Sitemap

Does anyone know if there is a way to pull all content from the Page Builder -> Manage Content to try and derive a sitemap of some sorts? I know that there is a sitemap within iMIS, but you can create content without creating a corresponding sitemap item to point back to it.

Adding ASI references to project


UserData in Asi.Soa.Core.Contracts

We have a .NET project that uses the UserData object in Asi.Soa.Core.Contracts. It was written on and worked until they upgraded from 20.2.49 to and it looks like that data contract was consolidated into another object. Does anyone know where the new equivalent is or if there is any documentation on the dll changes? Here are the lines of code having the problem:
MembershipManager membershipManager = new MembershipManager(entityManager);
UserData loggedInUser = membershipManager.FindUserByUserName(user.userName);

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