CORS Issues and REST Data on non-iMIS Site
How to get authenticate and get iMIS Data and solving CORS Issue?
What are the rules for setting up client applications?
Order Import Calls
What API calls would we need to make in 20.3 in order to replicate what happens in 20.2 when using the order import tool in iMIS desktop? We're guessing some calls to make an order, make a payment, etc, but we're not entirely sure of everything happening in the background.
API - Add Primary Contact to Company Account
Activity Attach accessible from REST
I know the Activity is available on the REST API, but not sure if the Activity_Attach is available to the REST API.
Prorate Initial Join Dues
Has anyone prorated the initial month for dues? We have a need to prorate the first month when someone signs up. This is more for accounting reasons, to make sure everyone's renewals are processed on the 1st of each month.
iBo Change Password
We are trying to update a custom page we have to work in 20.2 using the change password method in iBo.ContactManagement
This is what we are doing:
cContact.UserSecurity.ChangePassword(this.txtNewPassword.Text, this.iMISID, this.password);
Menu Issue in RISE website
ASI SOA Cart Shipping Issues
So essentially what is happening is that after an iMIS upgrade to the self-hosted version of 2017 we have been experiencing issues where the cart intermittently does/doesn't calculate shipping and handling, however this error always prevents the cart from actually going through, and this seems to be narrowed down to one issue where in the SOA methods an address lookup fails:
ASI Scheduler Endpoint URL
I also have been struggling with this issue, can someone please assist?
Asi Scheduler Endpoint
I have successfully written a POST request to fetch a token from iMIS for further use in other queries (my next query being '~/party/194' to get iMIS Id 194's information).