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Offset and Count acting strange

When using /api/Organization?limit=100
I get strange results:


How do I add a new Address

I don't really see an actual Addresses endpoint so I was attempting to use CsAddress:
POSTing the following to /api/CsAddress:

Getting all available IQA via REST API

Is there a way to get all available IQA with the full path and name via the REST API for iMIS 2017 and iMIS Cloud?
I know that I can get the name at least from the document system by filtering by documenttypecode IQD but it does not give me the full path.
Any pointers are much appreciated.
Thank you very much for your help!


Metadata for IQA

is there a way to get the metadata of an IQA via the REST API i.e. field names/Aliases returned, filters on the IQA...
Any pointer in the right direction is much appreciated.
Thanks much!

Updating username

I'm trying to update just a person's username. I'm trying the request from this page https://developer.imis.com/reference/usersecurity but I keep getting this message: "{"$type":"System.Web.Http.HttpError, System.Web.Http","Message":"Authorization has been denied for this request."}"

Connecting from a Single Page App to REST API

I am a novice to the iMIS REST endpoint connectivity. The requirement is to have the Single Page App connect to the API and get the names of all companies with a contains search. Where do I start? I am trying to get my head around OAuth2.0 authorization, JWT and its expiry and Refresh token. Any pointers into this direction would be deeply appreciated.

Adding Structured Snippet, Meta tags, and opengraph data to iMIS



IMIS / RISE - Version Control



PostCode Lookup



Delete the weblogin/user of a contact via REST

Hi all,
is there a way to delete a user via REST?
A client of mine has the need to have the user being removed automatically which one would normally do via RiSE - Security.

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