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PUT at https://{{URL}}/api/Event/:EventId

Good afternoon,

While PUT is not documented for events, I tested it in our development environment and it seemed to work as I saw functions updated with the data I passed; however, when I looked more closely at what was updated, the updates seemed random. In an event with around 100 event functions, a good number of them were properly updated while the others were unchanged. Any idea as to why this may be happening?

I first got the event data, then updated the JSON, keeping all of the event functions in the Functions object. The result was what was described previously. I thought maybe the JSON is too long; so, I removed all the functions but one and pretty much everything else in the event object except for EventCode and type and resubmitted. The one function in the functions object did not update.

If this worked properly, it would save my staff significant time over having to go into each event function through the interface and wait on iMIS to save and reload. In a complex event, that is very time consuming.
