Imis API
Attendees have registered in imis, what function do we use from the api to pull all the data related to that event?
ItemPrice API Deferred Income Account
Is it possible to also define the Deferred Income account from API. I see the Income account is in the documentation just don't see anything for deferred income account.
ItemPrice API not working
Pulled the get request from the documentation and ran on our test site and it's not returning the list of item Prices
How do I include multiple registrants on one invoice
I want to register multiple contacts and produce 1 invoice billed to the organisation, is this possible?
Possible to query the API /Party endpoint by address ID?
Is it possible to add a parameter for AddressId (address num) and find the party that is associated with that address? Something like /Party?AddressId=12345
Defining Event Contact through API
Is there a way to set the Event Contact through API? I am looking at the "create new Event" documentation and I don't see anything that resembles this field.
It's the Contact_ID field on the Meet_master table. I see you can set it when you build the event in iMIS but I do need a way to set it from API.
How to manage community subscriptions in the REST API?
Hi - in the REST API, is it possible to:
How to generate renewal for cash based subscriptions in the API
Our client wants to update cash-based subscriptions with a new bill begin date, bill through date, and amount. This works fine so long as the subscription never had a payment against it, but if it did have a payment, then the payment sticks and the balance due doesn't reset to the billed amount. When we generate the renewal in iMIS the payment is erased; the payment amount is erased, the payment date is erased, the paid through is erased, etc. So how can we execute that holistic operation using the API?
Does iMIS have a self-service portal module?
Does iMIS have a self-service portal module where users can change their personal details by themselves. We are looking for something like a self-service portal, we would like to include a link to this portal in email communications so that people who receive the email can click on the link and update their personal details. Any tips, suggestion highly appreciated.
Form Builder