Missing page
Hi All, I have a page (#1) which is live in search results, but cannot find it in iMIS. Even if I click (LI state) from search results it comes up in IMIS but when I try to edit this text it opens the second link (which is the correct up to date content). I want to find the content so I can remove and/or expire it. Any ideas please?
Create accrual dues items
Creates a Subscription bring dues items as Cash
Create a Credit Invoice Associated with a Product
Hello everyone,
Credit Cards and Combo Orders
We are using iMIS Pay in the US. Is there a way to submit credit card information as a payment within a Combo Order to pay for the items in the order?
Add a note to an existing order line
Is there any way through the API to add a note to an existing order line?
Adding any Invoice to Cart using REST API
Is it supported? If so, how do we accomplish it?
3D Security for Custom Payment Gateway
We developed a custom made VISA/MasterCard Payment Gateway on IMIS Version Recently VISA/Mastercard upgraded their security and we should quickly adopt 3D Security Version 2 that requires users to be authenticated by their bank.
How to remove a Company Admin role via REST API ( 2017) ?
Create invoice from a product with the REST API
500 error filtering CsContactBasic by MajorKey