Can we bulk insert into a panel?
EMS latest - is there a bulk insert option? Thanks.
Error creating new subscription
Is there a way to create new Subscriptions records no matter what a member status is?
Can we set the product price we add to the cart to any price we desire using the Restful API?
ARRS is a PIAS client and we are at rick of losing them as clients because of the inability for special pricing in commerce. Excerpt from email from Joe John re:\ARRS Storefront below:
Multi currency
good day, does iMIS support multi-currency, where we can update exchange rates per day or week, etc. we have a situation where customers pay from different countries and we want these payments to go direct using their currencies and handled using existing exchange rates
Data Models and Swagger JSON - Version 20.3.135
Good afternoon. It was great to hear about the updates of the API and the more frequent documentation going forward. We can see that the endpoints have been updated at the API Reference section; however, have the Data Models and Swagger JSON files been updated for the new version at https://developer.imis.com/docs/imis-rest-api-data-models-and-swagger-json-files? If not, do you know if or when these will be updated.
Update CsContact.CompanyId in REST
When sending a PUT request to CsContact and changing the CompanyId value nothing gets changed.
Pending payments
i am struggling with posting payments through the api, my payments are always in pending state, what could be the problem, below is my payload:
Adding Registration Option to Event in /api/Event
I am sending a POST/PUT call to api/Event with a registration option but the registration option does not show in iMIS. I placed my JSON body below. Using iMIS version
API (EMS) - Possible to delete a subscription?
Hi - I'm trying to delete a subscription using this endpoint (after verifying the subscription exists by executing the comparable GET):
iMIS Cloud and Diagnosing Errors
When iMIS was hosted on-prem, if an error occurred, I could log onto the server and check the event viewer to get a better idea of what was causing the error. With the move to the cloud and no server access, that is no longer possible; however, the need to diagnose errors still exists. Has ASI provided or does ASI intend to provide a way in the cloud to see the specifics of the errors that occur?