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CompanySort on Party Endpoint

Good morning,


Is it possible to override Item name or invoice description when POSTing a combo order



/api/iqa linit command not working for over 500

In the example below we are trying to get the results of a query


500 Internal Server Error "An error occurred. Please contact the administrator."

When I try to do a GET command for /api/Address/13734 with PostMan I get 500 Internal Server Error and a error message "An error occurred. Please contact the administrator." In the API documentation there is no mention of /Address GET command but how am I supposed to get the address object with the address id?


Finding Event Pricing



PUT calls for IQA Quries

Is there documentation on how to update data from an IQA query. I know for example there are PUT commands in the REST API for many of the objects; However, is there a way to update the GenericEntityData IQA directly or do I need to serialize the GenericEntityData object into whatever object I want to be updated and then use that PUT command?


Asi.Contracts dll

Is there a place to get the latest Asi.Contracts dll for use in external development against the API?


REST API - Is it possible to find the one most recently modified party?

I've tried this and several variations on "UpdatedOn," but haven't had luck retrieving the one most recently modified record:


An error occurred. Please contact the administrator on an End Point

I am trying to hit endpoint https://developer.imis.com/reference/putpartybyid with put command. When I do in Postman using the json below I get 500 Internal Server Error with the message "An error occurred. Please contact the administrator.". Let me know what I can do

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