How to get GLExport file using REST
Is it possible to access the download file from an Export log using the REST API?
How to get a list of BOEntityDefinition names only
The endpoint: Returns a list of BOEntityDefinition retrieves too many information, and performance can be degraded as a result.
What was the earliest version of iMIS that supported the REST API?
Hoping someone can answer this one - what was the earliest version of iMIS where the REST API was supported? Version, subversion, patch, etc. (ie, not just 2017). Thanks!
How do "Opt-out" of a communication preference using REST API?
I am trying to "disable" or "opt-out" a communication preference for an iMIS contact. How can I accomplish this using the rest API?
Set Pledge Source Code via REST API
How do we set the source code correctly when creating a pledge using the REST API?
Does limit and offset not work on /changelog endpoints?
UnfortSurely I'm not the first person to attempt to actually use the /changelog endpoint(s)?
IMIS Software Integration with Shopify
How to integrate IMIS Software with Shopify?
EMS - how to logout without clicking the sign out link
Other than clicking the sign out link (manually or via onclick or something), how can I log someone out of EMS? I can't delete the login cookie using client-side JavaScript and the legacy /logout membership service returns an error. Thanks.
Event Registration Cancellations
Good morning,
IQA security update
Wondering if any solutions provider have run into issues with the latest IQA security patch by ASI.