can any one provide me with information about the stored procedure's output
can any one provide me with information about the stored procedure's output
Create Event RegistrationOptions with the API
I'm looking to add a Registration option and pricing through the API. The way I go about it currently is to clone an event that has RegistrationOptions/Functions and then update the pricing using the /api/ItemPrice endpoint.
Passwordless Connections
Our members struggle mightily with remembering usernames and passwords. Is ASI giving thought to something like passwordless connections, https://auth0.com/docs/authenticate/passwordless, for end users.
how can we call store procedure using imis
how can we call store procedure using imis
PUT /api/ItemPrice/{ItemPriceId} results in error
If I do a get call on the endpoint I receive the following.
Adding some text to a Page Content containing a Single Sign-On iPart
iMIS Power BI Integration
End point to apply a promo code to cart
What's the trick to override a price in ComboOrder
Trying to process event registrations using a POST to ComboOrder, but I want to override the default price. I've tried IsUnitPriceOverridden": true at UnitPrice and ExtendedAmount but it still processes as a sale and a prepay for the difference. My hope is to price the functions at $0 and then just pass in the amount paid on a registration by registration basis.
Convert a large list of dropdown values for a general lookup table into iMIS
How can we convert a large list of dropdown values for a general lookup table into iMIS instead of manually entering them in iMIS?