Translation Module
Can anyone point me to some material that explains in detail how to make use of the iMIS Translation Module?
Commitee Memeber Notes and Other fields
Hello, could someone help me to make this update with Rest API ?
REST API - pay invoice?
Hello - is there a way to pay an invoice (or better yet batch of invoices) in the API?
In IQA query, parameters must be Parameter Equal
Hi, I have my url like this in a clientside iPart
var urllookup = MemberPrimeBuyersGuideSearch.restApiUrl + "/iqa?queryname=$/IFDAReports/Allied/Directory Search/iPartAlliedBuyersGuideSearch&Parameter=eq:" + cats;
still getting validation error : "In IQA query, parameters must be Parameter Equal"
works fine in postman request either with or without eq:
Can anyone help giving any solution?
REST API - commerce products - discount price
Anyone know what /Item endpoint property corresponds to the Discount Price field for commerce products? In EMS, the only currency property is TempDefaultPrice, which corresponds to Standard Price - I don't see a way to set the discount price in the API. Thanks!
Rest Api for SSRS
I am able to retrieve IQA via rest api but as some of the IQA does not have complex SQL query like SSRS, is it possible to retrieve the SSRS reports similar like IQA ?
Rest API endponit to update and delete a Committee (Group)
Hello, does anyone know how can I update an existing Committee group ?
/api/Communication with no ID returns a 400 and error
iMIS - call made to /api/Communication (as per https://developer.imis.com/reference/getcommunication-1) with no ID parameter returns a 400 response and the text:
Adding a negative amount MISC item to Membership Fees using REST API
We are using iMIS Cloud Is there a way using the REST API to set an arbitrary negative amount to a membership MISC product type and have it show in the Membership Fees section? It wouldn't be a subscription item as we are tracking overpayments and then want to apply that as a credit to their next transaction.
Can you update "Date of Publication" of a RiSE document via the API?
I see there's the Document endpoint, however when querying that I see various metadata like "CreatedOn" and "UpdatedOn", however not something that might be like the Date of Publication field.