Putting Event Functions via REST
Hey Jeremy,
Is the $type value still required?
There was some chatter about the $type value being optional in the later versions of the API, I assumed 20.3+. It still seems to be required in, is that still the case? Or is it required in some of the endpoints and optional in others? Thanks.
Managing User Roles via REST
I'm curious about the best way to handle user roles in the REST API, as I've had some interesting issues trying to manage that via the User endpoint.
Angular in iMIS
Any plans on switch from AngularJS to something newer like Angular 4, 5, 6 or even 7 in the near future?
Asi.Soa.*.dll files for 20.3
Dear developers,
is there a way to get hold off Asi.Soa.ClientServices.dll, Asi.Soa.ServiceModelEx.dll, Asi.Contracts.dll, Asi.Core.dll, Autofac.dll, Newtonsoft.Json.dll for iMIS 20.3?
REST API: Non-admins unable to see organization information
We are running iMIS version and using the REST API and SSO.
REST API: Create User & Password
Is it possible to Create a User and insert a Password for a new contact? If so, can you provide some sample code?
Does anyone know why BadRequest: ValidationError occurs here?
I send this JSON which is VALIDATED by JsonLint. But each time I POST the following code I receive the BAdRequest/Validation Error but no further details from iMIS Scheduler. I can GET, but cannot PUT or POST.
Public user accessing REST API call
I am working on IMIS version
How do we use a newer version of Newtonsoft.json in an iPART?
iMIS uses version 8 of Newtonsoft.json. I'd like to use the newest version of Newtonsoft.Json in my ipart.