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Sample Code from IMIS SDK - Is there a replacement for this code or can anyone make it work?

This is code from - I am trying to load an Invoice into the Shopping Cart. Billing Cycle has already run, but I need the Invoice. The Invoice has this strange notation ####:###### - specifically the second set of numbers which I need to feed to the ItemDetails page/content record.
It appears to be in this format :

Does anyone know how to get this code to work, or how to replace this code, or know whether this code is necessary if I want to load Renewal Membership Dues to the cart?

Or can someone steer me toward the more modern approach?

        // // Run membership fees billing cycle
        string billingCycle = "Regular Membership Fees";
        ILegacyBillingService billingService = Resolve<ILegacyBillingService>();

        LegacyBillingData runData = new LegacyBillingData
            BillingCycleId = billingCycle,
            BillingRunName = "{billingCycle} Test",
            IsRenewal = true,
            IndividualBillingPartyId = partyId,
            RunDate = tomorrow,
            EffectiveDate = effectiveDate

        LegacyBillingResultsData billingRunResults = billingService.Run(runData);

        // Instantiate invoice ID, cart manager for renewal invoice, and find invoice by the ID
        string invoiceId = "CASH:{partyId}:{billingRunResults.LegacyBillingDataUsedByService.BillingLogKey}";