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Innovations was 10 weeks ago (documentation related) ...

... And yet this site hasn't been touched (from what I can see, happy to be proven wrong). Other than a few questions asked and answered, this "developers resource" has nothing on it. None of the REST API documentation links work, they all post back to the exact same LookHere'sAToken!! page, and other than the original 2-3 Hello World examples there's nothing on here. To quote a child of the 80's, Where's the Beef?

I'm not sure what I'm expecting, but I expected more than this. Perhaps I'm different than most, but I honestly don't need the entire story line to get reading the first chapter. I could have died happy after the first Star Wars movie, if you know what I mean. What's the deal here? Are we going to get a huge dump of functional documentation when 20.3.whatever is released? What are the 2 new big partners using for their product integration? This page? I highly doubt it.

Yes, you can reach me offline. Yes, I expected more than since Innovations.


Jake ([email protected] or @k2andyou if anyone twitters: don't worry I know no one does)