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Offset=2 should just start at record 2. Instead it starts at the first record and the offset doesn't matter. Example to reproduce get in postman
api/party?offset=2 and then
/api/party?offset=3 not the returns are the same parties.

We should consider adding something like below to the documentation so developers know the way it works isn't a bug.

It takes the value that you send as offset and divides by 100 (integer division) and gets the number of the actual page to return, which in your case is page 101/100 = 1 (and indexing is zero based) meaning that it will return the second page (only) so 100 items (zero based from 100-199). It will essentially override offset value to (offset/100)*100 = 100 and take only 100 items (integer division). If you look at the image bellow you will see return value of Offset set to 100 (start), Limit (how many it should take), Count(how many there are in collection), HasNext (has more pages), NextOffset (the next offset value to use to get the next page).