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Managing Membership Over REST API

Hi there,

I'm setting up an internet/external facing REST API and I'm able to successfully pull a lot of the data using the EntityManager pointing to the Scheduler endpoint. I am, however, having issues with ASP.NET Membership related commands, i.e. setting up user credentials for a person, resetting/changing password, etc. These are crucial for the self-service user management piece that our website will have. I'd like to note here that we aren't using RiSE.

Are you aware of any ways that I can handle these commands? Is there any REST/SOA endpoints that I can use to achieve this? I would prefer HTTP where possible, but other options are open if they exist. I've aware of the /api/User endpoint, but I don't see a way where I can set a password.

The way our data is set up means that opening up the Scheduler to the internet won't work for us, and will likely expose data that we don't want exposed.
