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Client based iParts (Angular 1.x)

Hi all,

I´m developing an iPart using angularjs (v.1.6.9), it calls a REST API services which URL is harcoded and pointing to a development server.
But when this iPart is hosted in customer site I´d like to give the chance to configures its own URL.

I read all documentation related to how add a config.html file as a “URL to the html file that is used to configure content items of this type” but could not figure it out how to.

I´ve downloaded this code and took a look at “/Examples/innov/angularDemo/” folder and could not understand the following:

• how [x-contentKey] and [x-contentItemKey] will be render. (index.html)?
• how ["app.core"] and [“app.core.Services.IPartSettingsService”] dependencies will be injected (index.js)?
• where #JsonSettings field is. (config.js)?

Any help will be appreciate.
