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REST API & Cached Responses

Currently learning my way around the iMIS REST API and have encountered an issue where I am being served party data that I have since deleted. This appears to persist for about 15 minutes before it eventually returns a 404.

I've tried various combinations of HTTP headers and I can't seem to find a way to force a fresh response from the server.

Is this by design and is there some way I can force a fresh response?

IMIS Version:

Steps to reproduce:

Query Party 12345: GET https://{{URL}}/api/Party/12345 --> get response

Delete Party 12345: DELETE https://{{URL}}/api/Party/12345 --> empty response (party has been deleted - have confirmed via IMIS 'Find Contacts')

Query Party 12345: GET https://{{URL}}/api/Party/12345 --> get response (I would expect a 404 here)

(getting similar results with query/deletion of carts)