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API intermittently not working

Working on iMIS Cloud (20.3 upgraded) and I'm having trouble with most of the API endpoints.
The iQA endpoint randomly gives me 400 - "Query: .../Store Queries/BOOL-Allowed to acquire VCE resources not found."
/api/iqa?QueryName=$/.../Store Queries/BOOL-Allowed to acquire VCE resources

The Party endpoint often gives me 403 - "Does not have required permission. (O)"

I'm using the Manager account to generate the token, and it expires on the 21st.
The iQA endpoint is randomly failing even when using passthru (with ajax) which is my primary use of it to control element display on RiSE pages.

Here is the support ticket if that helps with more information:

iQA endpoint:
Party endpoint:

Additionally I'm having trouble with the GroupMemberSummary endpoint:
is giving me a 404 regardless of time (that ID shows up in the Summary list)

Thank you for your time,