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SOA Paging Size for IQA

I have been querying IQA through SOA and found that (in iMIS 20.2.25) larger result sets are coming through slowly because I'm forced to page through numerous 500 record pages to process the result. Each time I advance a page it is costing precious seconds.

The doco I'm looking at,!XMLDocuments/SOA/html/P_Asi_Soa_Core_DataContracts_PagerData_PageSize.htm, is telling me:

Page size in items returned. If no page size is specified, or if the page size is greater than the system defined maximum, the system defined maximum will be used.

From what I can see in 20.2.25, this maximum isn't configurable, but seems to be fixed at 500. Is this correct? Is this setting configurable in more recent versions of iMIS (300) ?

I have found changing the web.config works when you run the query in IQA itself, but not when calling the query through SOA.

<add key=“PagedResults.MaxRecords” value=“500” />

Is there a way around this?