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Is there a way to change a username (via API) without automatically sending the user an email?

Hello, the MembershipWebService has a ChangeUsername function (with parameters for the old username and new username), and this works fine. However, it automatically sends an email to the user notifying them of the update, and including their new automatically-generated password in PLAINTEXT. (This is for

We've been asked to not send the email at all, if possible. The use case is that we are importing data into iMIS with some people supplying a new email address (we use email as username).

If we have to send the email, we'd at least like to customize it or have it not send the new password in plaintext, and instead include a link for resetting the password.

My guess is that the web service implementation is calling the AsiMembershipProvider.ChangeUsername overload that only takes old and new usernames as parameters, which then calls the other ChangeUsername function, passing true for the sendChangeEmail parameter value. Ideally, we'd like the web service to implement ChangeUsername(string oldUsername, string newUsername, bool sendChangeEmail), so we can specify whether or not we want to send the email.

Do you have any suggestions for how to not send the email? Is there a REST endpoint for changing username? I haven't been able to find one.

Any advice on how to not send the automatic email or to change it so it doesn't include the password would be great.
