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ArgumentFault error when trying to add new comboparty

I am writing an iPart that accepts individual and company information from a visitor and uses that to create a new comboparty. As a start, I have copied the code line for line from the documentation page at I have modified it slightly to place text that would have been written to the console to display in a label. I have also modified the customertypecode to match the type we want to create.

When I run the code I am receiving the following error (with stack trace):
ArgumentFault: An error occurred. Please contact the administrator.
at Asi.Soa.ClientServices.EntityServiceCommonServiceProxy.Add(Object entity) at Asi.Soa.ClientServices.EntityManager.Add(Object entity) at Asi.Soa.ClientServices.EntityManager.Add[T](T entity) at MCLEiParts.CodeTest.AddComboParty()

My first guess is that I am not passing all required fields. I tried adding email but still receive the error. Is it possible we have configured more required fields and the system is simply enforcing that? If so, where do I check to determine which fields are required?

I also want to enable login for this comboparty. How do I do that?

Thank you for your help.