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How to bypass 3rd party application login page if user is already signed into iMIS database


We have an our application login page authenticating the user to the iMIS database – that’s working.
But if someone is already signed into iMIS, we don’t want them to have to sign in again when they go to our application. The login page should be able to detect that they’re already signed into iMIS and take them directly to the home page of the application.

We have been through all the documentation and can’t resolve the problem we are using iMIS cloud i.e https://imistour***

If Single Sign-On (SSO) is the solution to this issue then we have already setup that with the help of the following links

We have no luck so far through the above links. So far so we are able to receive the refresh_token successfully but when we try get the access_token through received refresh_token and valid client Id/secret we are getting "invalid_client" error instead of access_token.

We have the following confusions/questions which needs clarification for right implementation of application.

  1. Why we are getting "invalid_client" error instead of access token even we are passing valid refresh token and valid Id/secret?
  2. How can we detect user in our app who is logged in iMIS application in order to bypass our app login page to logged in automatically?
  3. How SSO is working in iMIS application means how cold it automatically login user in client applications?
  4. How refresh token play role in iMIS SSO feature as explained in mean how it detect logged in user?
  5. How can we logout user in our app when he/she logout from iMIS application?
  6. Does the iMIS SSO work for user Single Sign On or application Single Sign On?