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Grabbing References to Contacts that HAVE Attended an Event

Good afternoon,

I have been trying to follow this thread,, but would like some clarification on how this process works. What I need is a way to call the API to get a list of all the Contacts that Attended the event. Not necessarily people who registered, but people that were not absent in the Event.

Whether I can get this data through an actual endpoint on the API, or if I develop my own IQA that I can then call from the API. What would be the best way to do this. Again, all I really need is a list Contact's (just their name and IDs) of people who attended the event.

Side note, just so I can sure I am understanding these objects correctly, each Event can have many Function associated with it correct? So that would mean that Contacts can attend different functions of an Event. Therefore, a Contact can attend a function of an Event, but still not attend the overall Event? I just want to make sure I am interpreting this correctly.

Thanks for any insight you are able to provide.