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Street Address is Overwritten


iMIS version:

Members records are created from our WordPress site (through the help of REST API) and are assigned Pending Member types.

We have a workflow in our organization where Pending members are individually reviewed and assigned a permanent member type based on the criteria. We then link the member to the company they work for.

We have an issue where the values for the street address is changed to the address values of the company. In the desktop application a prompt appears giving you the option to overwrite the address after linking an individual to a company (see attached), but in the staff site the address is overwritten. This is an issue for members who work in satellite offices, or work from home due to COVID, etc.

I have already reached out to our Product Owners and started the conversation for a product enhancement.

In the meantime, is it possible to to restore the existing values of the street address with with an API? I wonder if "Gets the changelog for a FullAddress for the specified id" could be used to fetch overwritten address data

This would be a tremendous help to our staff who are currently changing the address manually.