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Generate Renewals Fiddler dump


Following on from this thread:
I wasn't able to successfully make any request that performed a Generate Renewal action.

Since it's impossible for an end user of iMIS Cloud to capture/intercept requests using fiddler, can I please get an example fiddler capture [.har or other all-inclusive capture format would be good] (if it's not too much trouble, having it annotated where clicks happen on the staff site would be immensely helpful) performing the following on the Staff site:

  • Generate Renewals
    • Enter billing run name
    • Select an appropriate billing cycle (preferably a simple one with single membership fee and a chapter)
    • Enter appropriate dates to get results
    • Click Generate Bills
  • How to know the Batch number/ID of the newly generated bills?
  • Posting a batch I assume once the previous step is complete and we have a batch ID we can simply use this?

Finally I would just like to confirm if this logic is going to be significantly changed at some point? The reason I ask is that there is this:
Currently the "usual Staff site generate renewals" functionality doesn't discriminate between autopay and non-autopay renewals. Is that going to change? (i.e. will the fiddler capture be wildly different soon?)

Thank you.