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Translation Module

Can anyone point me to some material that explains in detail how to make use of the iMIS Translation Module?

I'm writing an Angular event registration application that needs to display in either of two languages, English or French.

According to the material I found at, the Translation Module only translates language in labels, prompts, navigation links, titles, tabs, column/row headers, and dropdown menus. It won't translate database data, language entered by staff or language in HTML content controls.

Database events for my organization are bilingual where needed and my application is able to display the events in the required language. I need to be able to detect changes in the language dropdown selection so I can then change the language in the areas of the UI that are not translated by the module. I can find no help in that area, and as far as I can see, no one has asked that question in this forum.

Any help would be appreciated.

Terry Thiel