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Membership activation related

We are exploring IMIS Enterprise for our organization but I am finding some concerns in implementing business workflows (I think there is no business workflow support in IMIS UI)

IMIS allows a user to become member as soon as Membership is joined (purchased) but we do not want this workflow. We want a user to raise a membership request via application i.e a join wizard (panel/form created), pay for it (membership due linked) but we do not want to award membership instantly on order creation rather we want user's membership application to be evaluated first by staff and if it is fine then approve the application and from date of approval, set the Membership issue date.

IMIS support desk says this is not feasible as they do not have any process automation for "update" based IQA (so as to update BO i.e set status as Approve or Reject or set Membership as pending or active) so please guide me as what options do I have as I do not want to award membership instantly on order creation? I am looking for automated solution and not manual one.