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Event Registration Tax Amount Order Confirmation Email

I'm creating an order confirmation email using ComboOrder and running into issues showing the total tax amount for event registrations (this works fine for sales order items).

Within each item line, the tax amount is showing as needed, but it's not being included in the tax total, in either InclusiveTaxTotal or TaxTotal.

I'm using the following in the email template, has anyone managed to do this:

Order number: {#comboOrder.Order.OrderNumber}

{foreach line in #comboOrder.Order.Lines}
{#line.Item.Name}: £{#line.ExtendedAmount} (including £{#line.Tax.TaxTotal} VAT)

Item total: £{#comboOrder.Order.LineTotal.Amount}
Inclusive Tax: £{#comboOrder.Order.TaxInformation.InclusiveTaxTotal.Amount}
Tax: £{#comboOrder.Order.TaxInformation.TaxTotal.Amount}
Postage: £{#comboOrder.Order.ShippingTotal.Amount}
Handling: £{#comboOrder.Order.MiscellaneousChargesTotal.Amount}

Total: £{#comboOrder.Order.OrderTotal.Amount}