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Communication Preference link

I am trying to generate communication preference lnk using

I have following in the body of the request.

"$type": "Asi.Soa.Communications.DataContracts.CommunicationPreferencesTokenRequest, Asi.Contracts",
"EntityTypeName": "Communication",
"OperationName": "CommunicationsPreferencesToken",
"TokenAction": {
"$type": "Asi.Soa.Communications.DataContracts.CommunicationPreferencesTokenAction, Asi.Contracts"
"Token": "string value",
"PartyId": "string value",
"RequestCulture": "string value"

What should i put as Token and RequestCulture.?

"Token": "string value",
"PartyId": "IMISID",
"RequestCulture": "string value"

Thanks !