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How to remove a party's primary organization? This is 2017 (

Curious - how do you clear out a party's Co_ID? Looking through some code, and it looks like we're trying to delete this entity:


But that GroupMember entity doesn't exist; nor does the inverse {partyId}:{orgId}. There doesn't seem to be any GroupMember entity that associates the party and the org.

The only connection I see is that the /Party endpoint shows the organization in the PrimaryOrganization object:

	"PrimaryOrganization": {
		"$type": "Asi.Soa.Membership.DataContracts.PrimaryOrganizationInformationData, Asi.Contracts",
		"OrganizationPartyId": "12345",
		"Name": "Some Company",
		"Title": "Some Title"

So I'm wondering how to remove the party from the org - can I just GET/PUT and remove that whole PrimaryOrganization object? Or set OrganizationPartyId to a blank string? Or is there another entity somewhere else that needs to be deleted too?
