These docs are for v20.3.44. Click to read the latest docs for v20.3.186.


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How to clear out Party.BirthDate value?

Hello, Is there way to set the BirthDate property value to "NULL"? For example: ```json,json { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Membership.DataContracts.PersonData, Asi.Contracts", "BirthDate": "", "PartyId": "101", "Id": "101" } ``` Sending "" value (as shown from example) in a `PUT` request does not change the `BirthDate` property value. Sending "1753-01-01" value still writes a value however RiSE website won't display the actual date then. Thank you for any insights there.

Member Engagement Director

How do I give a temporary password in IMIS. Give me the steps

Current status/functionality of /ContentItem?

I'm wondering what the current status/functionality of the /ContentItem endpoint is. A simple GET doesn't work, I know it can be filtered by ContentKey (and maybe other fields but I don't know what) but in testing I can't seem to get it to return anything. Is a GET supposed to work at this point? Thanks.

REST - organization set company id

Hello, I am creating REST logic to add a company id (CO_ID) for the individual and organization. Adding a individual works fine and sets the company id properly. Adding an organization works (200 response), but does not set the company id. The logic used is similar so not sure why works for one and not the other. Could it be a set-up issue? I noticed using vanilla Rise “Add contact” "Individual" can enter/search organization (company id), but for "Organization" cannot search for an organization (just enter a company name). I have tried many combinations and reviewed the documentation/samples, but have not gotten company id to work for an organization. The logic used is : "PrimaryOrganization": { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Membership.DataContracts.PrimaryOrganizationInformationData, Asi.Contracts", "OrganizationPartyId": "xxxxxxx" }, This works for individual, but not organization. iMIS version20.3.156.346 Any help or sample for adding company id to an organization linking to another organization is appreciated. Thanks Nick

Why is the "query" end point not actually listed in the data model?

The "Core" data model lists the endpoints for query definition, query parameter definition, and query service (<>). It does not, however, actually explain how to _call_ an existing IQA. That information, as far as I can tell, is only available in the article on migrating from the IQA to Query service endpoint (<>). I find this odd. Calling an IQA is the most efficient way to get Party data from iMIS if you need to filter for several properties. Why is /query not listed in the authoritative Core data model and tucked away in a tutorial? Is this some blindingly obvious convention of REST APIs I'm missing?

Adding a simple React application as a custom ipart

I'm having trouble adding a custom ipart using React into imis. I've followed the documentation for at <> as well as looked at this post <>. After I've created the React app, I ran the "npm run build command". Zipped the created build folder and uploaded the document to iMIS into the document system in RiSE under the created iPartSource folder. I've then created a new content type folder called "Custom" I've created a .env file and added: PUBLIC_URL: "~/iPartSource/" and added 'homepage: "\*"' to package.json But when I add the custom iPart to a page it displays this : ![]( Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, William

Executes a UserSecurity operation - AddUserRoles

Using the documentation here, <>, I get the following message when I attempt to add user roles. UserSecurity does not support the operation with supplied parameters: AddUserRoles()String This is my JSON: { "$type": "Asi.Soa.Core.DataContracts.GenericExecuteRequest, Asi.Contracts", "OperationName": "AddUserRoles", "EntityTypeName": "UserSecurity", "Parameters": { "$type": "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[[System.Object, mscorlib]], mscorlib", "$values": [ { "$type": "System.String", "$value": [username] }, { "$type": "System.Collections.Generic.List`1\[[Asi.Soa.Membership.DataContracts.User.RoleData, Asi.Contracts]]", "$value": \[ [role1], [role2] ] } ] }, "ParameterTypeName": { "$type": "System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection`1[[System.String, mscorlib]], mscorlib", "$values": [ "System.String", "System.Collections.Generic.List`1\[[Asi.Soa.Membership.DataContracts.User.RoleData, Asi.Contracts]]" ] }, "UseJson": false }

/api/CommunicationLogRecipientSummary - MessageType displays differently in iMIS

Hi - I created a Communication Log record using the API, and set /api/CommunicationLogRecipientSummary.MessageType to 1 (SMS). When I query the record I created, it looks good: `"MessageType": 1,` But when I look in iMIS, it shows Message Type = Email: ![]( and: ![]( Am I misunderstanding which API field corresponds to the message type in the iMIS UI?

Can you POST/PUT to /api/CsAddress?

Hi - when I POST to /api/CsAddress, I get: `403 Forbidden - Does not have required permission. (O)` I get the same response when I PUT to /api/CsAddress?EntityId=123 Are these actions intentionally blocked? Thanks

Metadata endpoint for panel

Is there such a thing? If a panel doesn't exist for ID 101 I have to POST it, but where's the metadata-type call I can use to build the panel data? Am I still left with pulling a record for a "known ID" and using that?