UserDefined Fields
How can I print dynamic data e.g. a person's MemberType in an HTML iPart using User-defined Fields?
API /api/queryservice/_execute need limit and offset
I've been using the new IQA service endpoint but haven't found how to limit the result set yet or change its offset cousin.
Refresh token is empty
I have a client application that has been working perfectly for a long time and suddenly I am getting an empty refresh token. The only thing that changed was the manager password but I am pretty sure it worked after the change. Anyone have any ideas on what to look at?
GroupMember POST API call.
We have created a GroupMember POST call to add a contact record to a committee. When we post this record it will delete any record that was already in the committee for that contact. Is there a flag or field that needs to be added to prevent this from happening?
Logout.asmx doesn't always work
We have an integration deployed in several of our client's iMIS installations. Part of the integration's behavior is to log the user out of iMIS. We use javascript to do that, like this:
Passing and Capturing Parameters for the Task
Hi This is regarding the post shared on help site.
iMIS Cloud Rest API - Put Call
We are trying to make PUT call to BOs created by Panel in the cloud instance (20.3). It gives an 405 error.
GET for reading &
POST calls for inserting records are working.
So, need a scenario to Update a record.
Earlier POST calls were working even to UPDATE records, but I believe with recent REST changes(last week) in cloud , it has stopped working and POST endpoints are only for creating the records.
Contact endpoint not filtering on MajorKey
working: https://imistour2847.imiscloud.com/api/CsContact?MajorKey=101
not working? https://imistour2847.imiscloud.com/api/Contact?MajorKey=101
Error with SSO and refresh_token
Error 403 posting to panel source
I'm deploying a solution that utilizes a single-instance panel source to store user information. I have successfully tested it in a different iMIS installation.